Look out for our Fairy Crystals and Fairy Crafts!

Explore our site! And allow yourself to sink into this mystical realm for a moment.

Look out for our Fairy Crystals and Fairy Crafts!
Mae govannen, mellon nin!
*Phrase means "Well met, my Friend" in Sindarin (Elvish language)
Welcome to The Magickal Garden, mellon nin!
Fairies are mythical beings that brings life and magic into fairy tales, and it was through such imaginative stories that most of us had our first knowledge of their presence.
As we grow older, we forgot about the feelings of excitement we had while listening to bedtime stories.
We forgot about fairies.
And slowly, we lost the ability to let our imagination run wild.
We are the Fairy Keepers, and we would love to host you in our amazing Fairy Garden so you can bring back those magical memories again!
Our garden is filled with lovely fairies, eccentric mystical gifts and latest news
of pop-up events held in different "secret fairgrounds".
Let the fairies bring back the inner child in you.
Have a magical time with us.
No veren!
*Phrase means "Enjoy yourselves" in Sindarin (Elvish language)